Sunday, December 11, 2011

MH3G: First News

As many of you may know, yesterday was the release of the first Monster Hunter game on the 3DS, Monster Hunter 3(tri) G, it is in fact an expansion to Monster Hunter 3(tri) on the Nintendo Wii. It features many new subspecies and returning subspecies from the previous installment in the series, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. This game also officially introduces a new Brute Wyvern named Bracchidios. Unlike other Brute Wyverns, its arms are well developed into slime covered fists, making them its main method of attacking. Its "plasma" slime explodes over a short period of time. If a hunter comes in contact with the slime, it is stuck to them like fire-blight but it turns different colors, from greenish to reddish until it eventually explodes. A hunter can remove it by rolling. Another significant attack by the mighty Bracchidios is a jump attack where it leaps towards a hunter and rams it's horn(tumor :-P) into the ground. It lives in the Deserted Island and Volcano as far as we know. Here is a video, all credit goes to youtube user mimusu1634:

This new addition to the Monster Hunter series also brings along returning monsters(and revamped versions) Plesioth, Green Plesioth, Azure Rathalos, and Pink Rathian. First let us talk about the Plesioths. As seen through demo videos and scans, it is now possible to hunt them underwater, giving the Plesioths new attacks underwater making them more fierce foes than they were in previous games. There is a new hammer and longsword for them as seen through the previous trailers. Here is a demo video of a Plesioth Hunt, again all credit goes to

The Pink and Blue Raths also return from previous games with their own new revamped versions and new attacks. Their new "gimmick"attack is the fire bite. Normally a Rathian or Rathalos bites you, from the ground or while hovering but they now release a burst of fire while doing so, giving hunters fire-blight if they come in contact with it. They also have incredible detail judging from videos seen thus far. Here are more videos from mimusu1634:

Pink Rathian:

Azure Rathalos:

This game also brings in a new, and anticipated Lagiacrus sunspecies. It is white in coloration and has a large variation of wide ranged and close range attacks on land (unlike the greatly waterbased normal Lagiacrus) It can shoot immense amount of thunder that kind-of explodes in the ground. It can also spark thunder around itself much like the Khezu or Gigginox Subspecies. Here is more detailed gameplay video from mimusu1634 once more:

That is it for today folks, if more info and videos are released later in the day, I'll make sure to add it. Thank you for your time and thank you to mimusu1634, <--------everyone subscribe to her :D

EDIT: Bracchidios' weapons seem to now have a new element, the same plasma slime on the monster itself, It turns from green all the way to red then explodes. Here is a link to a video proving this, credit goes to cowcow3100:

I myself might get a Japanese 3DS and MH3G soon, so expect videos from me around the end of the month or January.

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